Sunday, December 7, 2008

Time Flys When You Are Having Fun.

I can't believe it's been since October since I last posted. Thank you for the two comments to encourge me to continue my blog. I'm still trying to figure out how to develop my blog to be what others might be interested in reading. I am going to copy some ideas , but I'm still learning.

I'm a novice computer buff, I know somethings but want to learn other things that I don't know. My favorite things is sewing, knitting, cooking.

I also like to collect. Right now I want to get the Mikasa newest china pattern Cocoa Blossom. This will be my third collection. My first china pattern is Antique Lace by Mikasa, so elegant. My next pattern is Romance by Ambience. There is a couple of pieces ( A ruffled serving bowl and cake serving plate I want)

I also a book collection, mostly cook books, but I collect other books also. I know this sounds weird but I like to collect kitchen gadgets and small appliances. Probably because I like cooking and like the last in my kitchen.

I have a fabric collection, but haven't sewn in a while, but financially, it makes since to get back to sewing. My pattern collection is my biggest collections. I have patterns from the 50's up to the present and am a fashionista, so to speak. I say that because I wear a uniform most days so when I dress I like to dress!!!

I like antiques, I have antique furniture (bedroom furniture and some antique stack tables with leather tops. I also like electric hurricane lamps. I was buying those mostly through EBay.

I do have art work collections. I don't have a particular artist work I like, but like nature scenes, water scenes, mostly things without people. I also have a doll collection. I have a mug collection (Who doesn't?)

After writing this, I realize I have quite a few collections. So I think I'm going to organize these collections and par down these collections so it better shows who I am as a person.

Well until next time, Happy Blogging!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

In The Beginning!

I've recently started reading blogs and decided to start one myself. I'm not sure what to write, but will play it by ear. Maybe blogging will get my creative writing juices flowing. I bought my present computer back September 8th and completely love it. I'm not sure how long this love affair will last. I didn't think I would like Microsoft Vista O/S, but it seems to be just what I needed. This is my fourth computer, second laptop and I want to make this one last. Knowing me, I'm going to have to get the latest and fastest. I still trying to figure out how this blog thing works and hope I don't get too boring. My favorite blogs keep me interested and gives me a peek in others lives and thoughts. It's like visting friends but not knowing them personally.